Friday, April 11, 2008

Military Sleep Interventions

This month's issue of Focus Journal has an interesting article about interventions that various branches of the military use to promote alertness (PDF file).
I wish caffeinated gum was available for civilians.


Allen said...

It's out there.


I haven't tried it and don't endorse it (the gum, the company's fine).


Unknown said...

I have some questions reguarding who will or who will be required to give a sleep study at home? Can a sleep technican hook up a patient at their home, by himself? Are can only a sleep technologist hook the patient up, in there home? This just seems like a slippery slope for sleep medicine. To me at the minimal a sleep technican, but what about Nurses or Respritory Therapist? Thank you for responding.

Michael Rack, MD said...


thanks for the info on caffeinated gum

Duncan said...

Actually caffeinated gun and mints are available commercially. There's one called Blitz gum that averages 55 mg per piece.

BentoBoxing said...

Someone at work mentioned the military considering the use of Provigil for troops needing to "stay alert". Rumors have it there is no focus lost up to 36hrs. But we all know the physical and psychological effects of sleep deprivation. I guess its better than giving them meth.

Unknown said...

Anyone any idea where can I get the full information on this?

Drug Intervention